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One of the interesting features of the Deryni novels is that Bible quotations are given at the beginning of each chapter. A very good way of indicating the feeling of a chapter, and providing ideas for the reader to contemplate.

The following is one of my favourite quotes from the chapter headings in the Deryni novels.

"The king's strenght also loveth judgment; thou dost establish equity, thou executest judgment and righteousness."
Psalms 99:4

The following are some quotes that I like from the books.

Deryni Checkmate, chapter 2
Spoken by Duncan to Kelson,
"We're fighting the idiotic notice that a man is responsible for the accident of his birth."

Deryni Checkmate, chapter 2
Spoken by Kelson to Jehanna,
"Could you, a full Deryni despite your efforts to renounce the fact, truly destry your own son because he is forced by circumstances to use the powers you gave him?"
Spoken by Jehanna to Kelson in reply,
"I may be Deryni, but I don't feel Deryni. I feel human. I think human. And as a human, I've been taught all my life that to be Deryni is to be evil, wrong."

All quotes and references are from the Deryni novels copyright Katherine Kurtz. Go to books for a complete listing.