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Geography of the XI Kingdoms.

map of Gwynedd

This is an outline map of Gwynedd and the surrounding area.
Much of the information is compiled from the maps, by Charles Morehead, in the Codex.

Now, these are the Names of the Eleven Kingdoms,
   sung rightly well of old:
Howicce, and Llannedd, and fierce Connait;
mountainous Meara, the Land Beyond the River;
and Keldour, the windswept;
and pastoral Eastmarch;
Tolan, and Torenth, and myth-ridden Mooryn;
and lost Caeriesse, which sank beneath the sea;
and far-reaching Gwynedd, seat of the Haldane Kings.

- Lay of the Lord Llewellyn,
Troubadour to the High King of Mooryn

The Lay of the Lord Llewellyn names the eleven kingdoms at the start of "Camber of Culdi".